From Monday 4 October anyone wishing to access abortion services in Northern Ireland
should contact the BPAS on 03457 30 40 30

Around the world millions of people take abortion pills at home safely.
1 in 3 women & people who can get pregnant will have at least
one abortion in their lifetime, many have more.

What to expect…

  • 1st - book

    As soon as you realise you want or need an abortion, please call BPAS on 03457 30 40 30 or fill in this form .

    At the time of writing (April 2022) there is an average of 5 working days wait before you get your appointment if you are in NI, if you are in England it is two weeks, so booking as soon as you can is helpful. Some people are reporting trying to get through on the phone for 3 days, some people have more success using the form.

  • 2nd - appointment

    If you are in the Western Trust you will be offered an appointment in England where your travel and accommodation will be funded and booked for you. Alternatively you can do an online consultation with Women on Web or Women Help Women. There is a cost of up to £90 and the medication takes roughly 2 weeks to arrive.

    In all other trusts you should be offered an appointment within a few days at a regional clinic in your health trust.

  • 3rd - treatment

    If you get a clinic appointment in NI you will be offered EMA, with one pill at the clinic and the other 4 at home 24-48 hrs later. In England you will have the option of MVA (Manual Vacuum Aspiration) or EMA. If you ordered via Women on Web or Women Help Women, you will take 1 mifepristone first then 24-48 hrs later take the 4 Misoprostol. The EMA combo is recommended for self-managed care up to 13 weeks by WHO.

  • 4th - Doulas

    At any point in this journey - the Doulas at Lucht Cabhrach are here to help. From talking through the pathways to explaining the processes as well as reassurance during each step of the way and up to date information on any changes in access.
    Our number is 07397 902774, we can also offer care packages which include pads, chocolate, tea and further information.